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Who runs the world?


Hello Hello Hello, 

Holy Moly you guys! What a couple weeks it has been, from recreation cannabis to every other crazy thing you could imagine. What a trip! 

I want to talk about the women of cannabis today. I cannot say that I have experienced any other industry, but Missouri is truly doing something special. On Valentine’s Day, I knew that a group of women from the industry had decided to get together for lunch, it started as something small and random. Tuesday came along and I stopped by, I really hadn’t planned on staying long as I had a lot of work to catch up on. When I got to the restaurant I sat down and next thing I know more and more women from this awesome industry started showing up. It was amazing. Also don't worry, if you missed this one, you are always invited to the next. Open door policies are pretty cool.

We laughed, we ate, we networked, and we collaborated. There was no drama, no competition, no ugly looks, nothing. Just pure good energy and I realized something in that moment, these women, the very women I had found myself surrounded with in that moment…. They are everything that is right about this industry. 

Something that I wish everyone could understand is that there is room for everyone to succeed. Success looks different to everyone, that means that not everyone is shooting for the same thing you are. Someone else succeeding does not take away from your ability to be successful. Everyone is out here worried about their own things… What a valuable lesson that was for me… I used to be so caught up and concerned with what people thought of me until someone told me that if those are the things going through my mind, wouldn’t it make sense that the very person I am worried about has all of their own shit to worry about? 

I talk about this because in what other industry do you find this level of collaboration and openness? In what other industry do you find “competitors” sharing friendly lunches that serve as resources for each other's success? I have worked in a lot of industries, but none quite like this. 

The day after the lunch a beautiful message was sent out, into what had now turned into a massive group chat. It is a place to connect, to find resources, and to ask questions. It is where I can shoot a message and ask if anyone wants to meet up at a coffee shop and work together. It is a place where anyone like minded is welcome and no one is excluded. 

The Missouri Cannabis Industry is already setting standards, groups like Jaine, Green Tent, CannaMoms STL, and many more are changing the pace for what generations to come with experience. The amount of female ownership, leadership, employment, and representation is actually impressive, though it could always be better. I am honored to be part of this industry. Now to the fierce women in the Legacy Market, don’t even get me started, you guys are just as incredible, pioneers for medicine. 

Just a year and a half ago I was lost, I couldn’t imagine a life where I would love what I did. I couldn’t imagine a life filled with such beautiful friendships and comradery. I couldn’t imagine that I would have found people who fit into my life like puzzle pieces I didn’t know were missing.  There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t realize the absolute abundance that has come to my life since choosing to chase my passions and build my spot in the cannabis world. 

As a woman in this industry I truly wasn’t sure where I belonged, I bounced around from one company to the next. I had some amazing experiences and I learned so much, it was an integral part of my journey.  I was disheartened when I felt I couldn’t find my place though, and I was still working part time for NUVO Marketing Agency. Then it hit me, Cannabis Marketing. If I can write for hours about french drains and make it interesting, I can create a team of cannabis passionate professionals to market something we love so much. Digital Smoke was born. 

As a sister company to NUVO we bring 30 years of experience to the table, we have around 160 clients all over the US. That being said, I truly believed that the cannabis marketing agency needed to be its own entity, as did the owner, with its own staff, its own training, its own standards. When we officially launched Digital Smoke, I stepped away from all other positions to focus on getting this company up and going. What a whirlwind it has been. We even were able to exhibit at MJBizCon this past November. 

Digital Smoke has fueled me with a level of passion I have never had before, it has helped me learn who I am and what my strengths are. I am good at business communication and building relationships. I am innovative and creative when it comes to design work. I am a quick learner and I am a self starter and fierce workaholic. I believe that Digital Marketing can truly make or break your company and as I have shared these beliefs, views, and data driven analysis with potential clients, I have found myself in a happy position, the need to hire more people. 

I am accepting resumes at for fulltime employees and part time work is available as well. Come be part of something amazing here with me at Digital Smoke. Come be part of building a new standard in cannabis marketing. I look forward to working with you. 

For potential clients, the time is now to get in, we currently have the capacity to take on four more cannabis clients and those spaces are filling up quickly. As I am able to hire more employees our capacity will expand, so there will be room for all of you. The reality is that I have a high standard for what I believe our work should look like, meaning we will accept nothing but the best. For that reason I am not able to offer more than four more contracts at this time, it is truly quality over quantity. 

Together, we will all change the world. I really do believe that. For in my 30 years I have already seen so much change. 

Sending all the love to you guys today, 

If you want to get in before we close off contracts please email today! 

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