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The STL Stoner Mom

”Stars aren’t meant to be shoved into boxes” - The.STLStonerMom

Hey there! Welcome and thank you for stopping in! 
My name is Cecilia or Ceci, almost 2 years ago I started blogging and posting as The STL Stoner Mom. Since then I have worked not only near, but in the Missouri Plant Medicine Industry.
I have always known that my personality and convictions are strong. I also knew that in the end, the path that was mine would be something I carved out and built myself. That brings me to agency! Together the owner and I built out a one of a kind Plant Medicine Only marketing agency. Our team of professionals handle everything from website development and ongoing SEO, social media management, merchandising, event planning, and a plethora of other services! 
Plant Medicine has changed my life and as the Vice President of Sales for , I am so excited to help companies in this budding industry make a lasting impact and help with ongoing brand recognition and loyalty. 
I would implore you to take a look and follow my company. Our team brings over 30 years of marketing experience, as well as an unparalleled passion for plant medicine! 
Aside from the marketing, I am just a mom who is trying to do her best. A woman who cares far too much about others and their needs and is a friend to all. I am a mental health and self care advocate/ enthusiast. I am a woman who is out here making a hell of an impact and I invite you to come along on this journey with me. More than that though, I invite you to come be my partner in success and self investment. 
My team is ready to walk hand in hand with you to set a new standard for Plant Medicine Marketing! 
Follow along this blog for my own cannabis journey, education, reviews, and we will even touch on marketing and why it is so important! 
Thanks for being here, 
Always peace and positivity,C

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Nice to Meet You

An Open Book

Hey there! I am Cecilia and here is a bit about me! -I was born 4/20/92 -I am equal parts Taurus and Aries, yay cuspies! -Plant medicine is my best friend.-I am Vice President of Sales for the Cannabis Marketing company Digital Smoke! -I have two daughters with fur and two without! -I love music. -I love trying and talking about new products! 

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Work with me!

Want to learn more about The STL Stoner Mom? For more information, feel free to get in touch and I will get back to you soon!

1759 Clarkson Road Suite 350, St. Louis, MO 63017

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